Workshop on Satellite Oceanography , dilaksanakan secara blended dimulai dari tanggal 5-9 September 2023. 5-6 September (online), 7-9 September 2023 (klasikal) di Pusdiklat, Citeko, Bogor.
Course Category: Meteorologi
Online Short Course “Flood Early Warning System” Tahun 2023
To reach the goals of this online short course, the expected participants of the online short course from Indonesia are the Ministry of Public Works and Housing’s Civil Servants from the Directorate General of Water Resources and River Basin Organizations whose areas of work are related to FEWS (Operational and Maintenance Division), representatives from the...
Pelatihan Teknis Impact Based Forecast and Warning Service Tahun 2023
Training ini merupakan tingkat lanjut dari training – training yang pernah diberikan sebelumnya sehingga materi training akan lebih teknis dan lebih mendalam. Materi seperti pengetahuan atau informasi terkini terkait perkembangan IBFWS di BMKG akan kembali menyegarkan peserta terkait konsep dasar IBFWS dan perkembangannya saat ini. Selain itu diberikan juga beberapa hands-on teknis seperti analisis wilayah...
Online Training of Trainers on Satellite-derived Flood Product and Its Implementation in IBF and Warning Services2023
Online Training of the Trainers on Satellite-derived Flood Products and Its Implementation of Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services will be conducted from 19 to 23 June 2023. The training goal is to train participants on the NOAA flood products features, data, and algorithms, with hands-on experiences in using tools to extract flood area output, identify affected...
The BMKG – UNEP Training Workshop On Basic Instructions Package For Meteorological Technician (BIP-MT) for Timor Leste
This training is part of UNEP GCF project on Early Warning Systems where BMKG is appointed as Technical Partner. The overall aim of the WMO Basic Instruction Packages is to provide an individual with a knowledge of atmospheric phenomena and processes, together with skills related to the application of this knowledge.
BMKG – UNEP QMS Training for Timor Leste 2023
This course is conducted from 27 February to 2 March 2023 under the BMKG – UNEP Project 2023. The goal of the course is to enable staff of the National Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics (DNMG) Timor Leste to enhance its capacity by adopting the knowledge and expertise of BMKG that had achieved the quality...